The Blue Fame: Rudy & Sudyono

Rudy Sudyono


Step into my world
and walk with me
to a Journey
you wont forget

I Light-Camera-Action
I Dance Cause im a dancer
I Makin' new Friends
I baking cakes & cookies
I Still Looking for my soulmate

Remember I dont bite




Radiation-(THE DANCE)
ill kwel
Sarah RP
Mei Mei


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May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
June 2010
July 2010
February 2011
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Time:12:43 AM
For the whole 22 Years in my Life, I never get the taste what is “so called real love is”. Never been so deeply in love and love a person so heartedly even though been in a relationship before. Cause I always afraid to fall in love because I’m scared of losing it if anything happen. But getting to know you change the whole situation. I’m not scared and it’s like I found my happiness. It’s hard for me to give up or do anything for someone which I called love. But knowing you, I Give my all without thinking twice because I thought you are the one.

I know it’s too early, and I understand. I also don’t want to rush things ahead. Because we just know each other. Everything is like so first...
Now I’m really confused and really a fool to myself. I guess for all this while I’m just like nobody and a substitute for a period of time. I feel so stupid like seriously so so stupid. That’s what I get for being kind hearted all my life. I easily get carried away with all this sweet words and I still haven learnt my lesson. But until now.

I know it takes two hands to clap but doesn’t mean clapping together shows its sincerity. Don’t have to return someone love if you know you can’t delivery it. Don’t have to give hope when it will only hurt that person more. Im not angry because you didn’t choose me, because that’s your choice and I truly respected it but it’s because of you playing with my feeling.
I wanna Thanks to my friends who have given their care and concern, I should have listened early. But what is done cannot undo. Now I have learnt my lesson. Totally lost and phobia. And I wish I didn’t know you before. And sorry if I don’t pick or reply any of your messages because right now I just want to relax my mind and forget everything.

I don’t blame anyone I only blame only myself for everything that happen. I just don’t understanding why people love hurting me so much, what did I do wrong until I have to suffer and be punished like this. Is it wrong for me to fall in love?

Now What I’m going to do is put my mind off this. I’m going to focus on my future & studies. Will not step into another love story in the near future or until I found someone who really treasure me and love me 100%. Love can wait for sure.
What I wrote here is not because of anger but this is what my heart & mind felt...
What I need now are my friends. (Full Stop)

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